T h e v i s i o n

O u r f i e l d s o f e x p e r t i s e

Choosing Ballande & Méneret, means working with a wine merchant with a very rich background, a major player in the world of wine and its lines of business.
Drawing on our experience and roots – well-established in the present and firmly focussed on the future –  we leverage all of Ballande’s professional expertise

Négoce en vin

A n e w t w i s t o n t r a d i n g

Ballande & Méneret is the perfect extension of the vineyards, taking the wine to flourishing and potential markets worldwide, tirelessly promoting and marketing wines from the greatest vineyards.

Grands Crus Classés are our speciality, accounting for 80% of our turnover, in futures and deliverables. Great wines from around the world (Italy, Chile, Argentina, USA, Australia etc.) also feature in our catalogues to provide a comprehensive range.

Our cosmopolitan team operates globally, guaranteeing top-notch service for our 2,000 customers spanning across more than 80 countries. This ‘close-to-home’ culture additionally provides us with valuable insights into our customers’ preferences and their respective markets, enabling us to better cater to their needs.

An extension of the vineyards

N e g o c i a n t

  • An extensive distribution network

  • 3 millions bottles in stock

  • Established on all continents (except Antarctic)

  • Over 15,000 deliveries – 2,000 active customers

  • Around 20 sales staff

  • Established in 82 countries

Feet on the ground

W i n e m a k e r

  • Château Baret (since 1867), Pessac-Léognan

  • Château Vieux Manoir (since 1989), Bordeaux Supérieur

  • Château Prieuré-Lichine (since 1999), Margaux, 4th Grand Cru Classé

Backed by the Ballande Winehouse

S u p p l y c h a i n

  • A 10,000-sq.m winehouse containing 3 million bottles

  • Optimum conservation conditions 

  • Dispatch – Customs: a large zone operating under RFSE

Logistique Ballande & Méneret