O u r h i s t o r y

A L O N G - S T A N D I N G R E P U T A T I O N

Mr. Ballande

To understand the history of Ballande & Méneret, we have to delve into the history of the Ballande family, the majority shareholders of this diversified group. The Ballandes were originally from Bordeaux and settled in Nouméa in the mid-19th century.

A family


Foundation of L. Ballande

Trader and ship-owner Armand-Louis Ballande settled in Nouméa a few years later in 1863.


Acquisition of Ballande & Méneret

The trading business, dating back to 1988, was established following the acquisition of Bernard & Méneret, resulting in a change of the company’s name to Ballande & Méneret.

A Soul of an Adventurer


Journey in Asia-Pacific

Following in his father’s footsteps, André Ballande forged trading partnerships in India, Australia and Hong Kong. He reorganised the business and branched out into the nickel industry.

From 1906 to today

Ballande, a major player in the Pacific

Foundation of the Comptoirs Français des Nouvelles-Hébrides

In 1915, Les Hauts Fourneaux de Nouméa (a Ballande subsidiary) owned 34% of mining land granted in New Caledonia

Currently established in Vanuatu, French Polynesia, New Zealand and Australia

Sound finances

From 1867 to 1999


1867: Château Baret, Pessac-Léognan, 26 hectares

1989: Château Vieux Manoir, Targon, 45 hectares

1998: Sovex Grands Châteaux, trading business in Bordeaux founded in 1982

1999: Château Prieuré-Lichine, 4th Grand Cru Classé, Margaux, 80 hectares

From 2010 to 2021


2010: New cellars building, Le Chai Ballande, in Ludon-Médoc

2016: Launch of Dock du Vin wine merchants and buyout of Bordeaux Magnum

2021: Move to new offices in Bruges

From 1859 to today, our story has been tied to wine and trading.
Balla(n)de through the ages