O u r t e a m

M a n a g e m e n t

Florian Malpuech

Florian Malpuech

General director and Sales director

Hubert Buchmüller

Director of purchasing

Pascal Brouet

Logistics director
Thomas Blanc Directeur Administratif et Financier

Thomas Blanc

Administrative and Financial Director

S a l e s

A s i a - O c e a n i a

Mazea Zhou

China Mainland Sales manager

Yann Le Breton

Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Oceania Sales manager

Janice Lam

APAC & Hong Kong Sales Manager
Lin Zi

Zi Lin

China Mainland Sales assistant
Nai Chen WANG

Nai-Chen Wang

Sales assistant

Yi-Ti Chung

Sales assistant

A m e r i c a s

Nadia Sanchez

Nadia Sanchez

Americas Sales director
Victoria Canty

Victoria Canty

Sales assistant

Caroline Vandier

Sales assistant

E u r o p e A f r i c a

Marlene Darjour

Marlène Darjour

Europe – Africa Sales director

Arnaud Bellone

Germany, Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland Sales manager
Laurence Darcos

Laurence Darcos

Benelux, Switzerland, Italy Sales manager

E a s t e r n E u r o p e

Kateryna Buryak

Kateryna Buryak

Eastern Europe Sales manager

F r a n c e

Bastien Lalande

Bastien Lalande

Director France and Monaco

Clarisse Mehaye

French sales representative
Vanessa ANTONY

Vanessa Antony

Sales assistant

Johan Monard

Sales assistant

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n


Valérie Larrieu

Executive secretary

Shih-Ting Wu

Marketing manager - General director assistant
Philippe Boulot

Philippe Boulot

Logistics manager
Sandrine DULAS

Sandrine Dulas

Export documentation specialist
Magali HATE

Magali Hate

Logistics specialist (Non-Asian)

B o r d e a u x a n d e l s e w h e r e

Our Bordeaux office is our headquarters for the French market and exports to the rest of Europe and Africa. The Ballande Winehouse, located nearby in Ludon-Médoc, is our logistics centre from which our famous bottles are dispatched.

As for international operations, our Hong Kong office and our sales staff in Shanghai and Tokyo cover all Asia and Oceania. We also have a sales force on the American continent, as well as two consignment stocks, on the east and west coasts of the USA.

O u r s e r v i c e s

What we propose: customization and support

Ouvert 24h_24
Ouvert 24h_24


There is always a Ballande & Méneret office open somewhere in the world.

Commercial dedie
Commercial dedie

A single sales contact

Who listens and adapts to your needs.

Customized search

A specific need ? We’ll deal with it !